For the first time, to our knowledge, passive Q-su;itching of 2.09 mum Ho,T
m,Cr:YAG laser has been demonstrated using Cr2+:Cd0.55Mn0.45Te as the satur
able absorber. A pulse duration of about 200 ns and an output pulse energy
up to 8 mJ were obtained with a Cr2+ :Cd0.55Mn0.45Te passive shutter. The g
round-state absorption cross-sections for the Cr2+:Cd0.55Mn0.45Te crystal w
as estimated at 2.09 mum to be 11 x 10(-19) cm(2), while excited-state abso
rption was shown to be negligible. Computer simulations of Q-switching exhi
bits satisfactory agreement with experimental data. (C) 2001 Published by E
lsevier Science B.V.