Case records of 37 patients with a diagnosis of brainstem glioma treated at
the Montreal Children's Hospital from June 1989 to June 1999 were reviewed
. 15 patients had diffuse pontine gliomas and 22 patients had focal forms o
f brainstem gliomas, The two groups were compared with respect to age, clin
ical evolution, radiological appearance, type of surgery practised, histolo
gical diagnosis, adjuvant treatments and survival. A non-pontine brainstem
location, a cystic or exophytic component, bright enhancement with gadolini
um injection, a histological diagnosis of pilocytic astrocytoma or gangliog
lioma were favourable prognostic factors. Progression-free survival and ove
rall survival were significantly worse in the group of patients with diffus
e pontine gliomas. The relative impact of radical surgery and/or radiothera
py is analysed. Surgery coupled to adjuncts such as navigation, ultrasound
and monitoring plays an important role for focal brainstem lesions. Focal/c
onformal radiotherapy has an adjuvant role but better treatments are needed
for the diffuse pontine brainstem lesions.