Proliferation of large and complex fault-tolerant distributed systems in re
cent years has stimulated the combined modelling of performance and dependa
bility of such systems. For large systems it may be very expensive to compu
te valid performance estimates to be used in the combined performability me
asures. This work considers two different classes of fault-tolerant client-
server systems, in which efficient layered queueing network models can be c
ombined with AND-OR graph analysis. The fault-tolerance in the first class
is achieved by incorporating stand-by servers and a mechanism to re-direct
the service requests at the time of failure whereas fault-tolerance in the
second class is achieved by incorporating redundant servers that can all be
used at the same time with the service load being distributed equally amon
g them. The model solutions in both the cases can be obtained without solvi
ng very large Markovian models. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights r