In 1998, a devastating outbreak of rust disease severely damaged the garlic
crop in California, resulting in yield losses of 51% and an economic loss
of 27% to the industry. The disease also occurred in 1999 and 2000, indicat
ing that rust may have become an annual problem in some parts of the state.
The presence of urediniospores, two-celled teliospores, and telial paraphy
ses indicated that the pathogen was Puccinia allii. Isolates from garlic in
fected onion and chives, but not leek, elephant garlic, or shallot in inocu
lation experiments. Garlic cloves obtained from diseased plants were plante
d under controlled conditions, but the resulting plants did not develop rus
t. Fungicide trials were conducted for 3 years and showed that none of the
currently registered materials gave satisfactory control. However, tebucona
zole and azoxystrobin provided good protection against rust if sprayed at 1
0-day intervals. A variety trial of 34 garlic cultivars and selections was
planted, inoculated, and evaluated for resistance to rust. Although there w
as variability in rust severity among the selections, acceptable levels of
resistance were not observed in any cultivar.