We study first-passage percolation on the random graph G(p)(N) with exponen
tially distributed weights on the links. For the special case of the comple
te graph, this problem can be described in terms of a continuous-time Marko
v chain and recursive trees. The Markov chain X(t) describes the number of
nodes that can be reached from the initial node in time t. The recursive tr
ees, which are uniform trees of N nodes, describe the structure of the clus
ter once it contains all the nodes of the complete graph. From these result
s, the distribution of the number of hops (links) of the shortest path betw
een two arbitrary nodes is derived.
We generalize this result to an asymptotic result, as N --> infinity, for t
he case of the random graph where each link is present independently with a
probability P-N as long as Np-N/(log N)(3) -->) infinity. The interesting
point of this generalization is that (1) the limiting distribution is insen
sitive to p and (2) the distribution of the number of hops of the shortest
path between two arbitrary nodes has a remarkable fit with shortest path da
ta measured in the Internet.