Background. Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (FIBGC) is gene
rally associated with neurological and psychiatric symptoms. An association
between FIBGC and schizophrenia has been described but it remains uncertai
n. We studied the relationship between the presence and extent of basal gan
glia calcification and schizophrenia in a multiply affected family.
Method. Symmetrical basal ganglia calcifications (BGC) were detected on com
puterized tomography (CT) in a schizophrenic proband and led us to carry ou
t CTs and standardized psychiatric evaluations (SADS - Endicott & Spitzer,
1978) in all available first-degree relatives (mother and six siblings).
Results. Five subjects had BGC, including three subjects diagnosed as schiz
ophrenic. Three subjects had no BGC and none of them was diagnosed as schiz
ophrenic. We subdivided the BGC into three groups: massive (pallidum, stria
tum and dentate nuclei affected); medium (pallidum and striatum); and mild
(pallidum only). The two subjects with massive BGC and one of the two with
medium BGC had schizophrenia. The subject with mild BGC had no psychotic sy
Conclusion. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that BGC favours
the occurrence of a schizophrenia-like syndrome and that the risk of occur
rence of this syndrome is proportional to the extent of calcification. Thes
e findings support the hypothesis that schizophrenia is determined by a dis
ruption of thalamo-cortico-striatal circuits.