Photosynthetic carbon assimilation is commonly invoked as the cause of calc
ium carbonate precipitation in cyanobacterial biofilms that results in the
formation of calcareous stromatolites. However, biofilm calcification patte
rns in recent lakes and simulation of photosynthetically induced rise in ca
lcium carbonate supersaturation demonstrate that this mechanism applies onl
y in settings Low in dissolved inorganic carbon and high in calcium. Taking
into account paleo-partial pressure curves for carbon dioxide, we show tha
t Phanerozoic oceans sustaining calcified cyanobacteria must have had consi
derably higher calcium concentrations than oceans of today. In turn, the en
igmatic lack of calcified cyanobacteria in stromatolite-bearing Precambrian
sequences can now be explained as a result of high dissolved inorganic car
bon concentrations.