Let (G, G') =(U(n, n), U(p, q)) (p + q less than or equal to n) be a reduct
ive dual pair in the stable range. We investigate theta lifts to G of unita
ry characters and holomorphic discrete series representations of G', in rel
ation to the geometry of nilpotent orbits. We give explicit formulas for th
eir K-type decompositions. In particular, for the theta lifts of unitary ch
aracters, or holomorphic discrete series with a scalar extreme K'-type, we
show that the K structure of the resulting representations of G is almost i
dentical to the K-C-module structure of the regular function rings on the c
losure of the associated nilpotent K-C-orbits in s, where g = k + s is a Ca
rtan decomposition. As a consequence, their associated cycles are multiplic
ity free.