Electrons scattered elastically by the atomic nuclei suffer Rutherford-type
recoil losses. This results in the shift DeltaE(em) and width broadening D
eltaE(em) of the elastic peak. This paper deals with the recoil broadening
DeltaE(eR) and the shape of the elastic peak, varying considerably for low
Z (atomic number) elements and compounds. For the high Z region we assume,
that DeltaE(emAu) and DeltaE(eRAu) can be neglected. Gold was used as the r
eference in our work. The E, primary energy dependence (1-5keV) of DeltaE(e
R) was studied by spectrometers of high-energy resolution ESA 31 and DESA 1
00 on elemental Au, Ag, Pd, Cc, Ni, Cu, Si, C (graphite and glassy carbon p
owder) and on LiF. The elastic peak in the latter case is split to those du
e to Li and F. Several processes, possibly contributing to the recoil broad
ening (multiple elastic scattering, Doppler broadening, low-energy losses,
e.g. phonons) are considered. The effects of recoil on the shape of the ela
stic peaks confirm that the peak areas should be used in determining the el
astic yield ratios which are important for derivation of the inelastic mean
-free path in solids. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.