Purpose: To investigate the in vitro performance of three one-bottle adhesi
ves by measuring their dentin microtensile strength. Materials and Methods:
Extracted human molars had the dentin exposed on the occlusal surface. The
teeth were randomly assigned to three dentin adhesives: Group 1 - Prime &
Bond 2.1; Group 2 - Prime & Bond NT; and Group 3 - Experimental (unfilled N
T). All materials were applied as recommended by the manufacturer. A high-d
ensity resin composite (Surefil) was packed on the bonding area in five inc
rements. Specimens (sticks) were obtained using a diamond disc and were sto
red in distilled water for 24 hrs. The microtensile bond strengths were mea
sured with a universal testing machine. Results: Group 1: 54.3 +/- 15.6 MPa
; Group 2: 62.0 +/- 17.6 MPa; Group 3: 54.6 +/- 16.8 MPa. Although no stati
stically significant difference was found between pairs of means, Prime&Bon
d NT showed a tendency for higher bond strengths.