Fluorescence energy transfer (ET) primers and terminators are the reagents
of choice for multiplex DNA sequencing and analysis. We present here the de
sign, synthesis and evaluation of a four-color set of ET cassettes, fluores
cent labeling reagents that can be quantitatively coupled to a thiol-activa
ted target through a disulfide exchange reaction. The ET cassette consists
of a sugar-phosphate spacer with a FAM donor at the 3'-end, an acceptor lin
ked to a modified T-base at the 5'-end of the spacer and a mixed disulfide
for coupling to a thiol at the 5'-end, The acceptor dye emission intensitie
s of ET labeled primers produced in this manner are comparable to commercia
l ET primers. The utility of our ET cassette-labeled primers is demonstrate
d by performing four-color capillary electrophoresis sequencing with the M1
3(-21)forward primer and by generating and analyzing a set of single-nucleo
tide-polymorphism-specific PCR amplicons. (C) 2001 Academic Press.