The ingestion of caustic substances is a frequent accident in the child. Th
e treatment of caustic strictures of the esophagus, which constitute the mo
st frightening complication, varies from conservative treatment to esophage
al replacement We report the preliminary results of a prospective work esta
blished since July 1998 and aimed at evaluating the role of pneumatic dilat
ation in the treatment of these injuries.
Studied population. - The serie included five boys with an average age of s
ix years. Two children were neurologically handicapped.
Results. - The caustic product was soda (three cases), a dishwasher solutio
n tone case) and bleach tone case). Dysphagia was constant and concerned th
e semi-fluids in four cases. The stricture was extended over an average len
gth of 4 cm. The total number of dilatations was 36 with an average of seve
n sessions/patient. No complication was noted. The result was good in four
cases. The only failure was noted in a child who presented a gastroesophage
al reflux secondary to the scarring phenomena.
Conclusion. - Pneumatic dilatation constitute a therapeutic mean whose resu
lts are attested. The best treatment remains, however, preventive: it is th
e setting out of reach of the child the dangerous products. (C) 2001 Editio
ns scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.