The spinal dermal sinus tracts in the lumbosacral region are not usually re
cognized, especially when they are not associated with other cutaneous lesi
ons. In these sites, the sinus tracts communicate with the dura in 90% of c
ases, leading to an important risk of meningitis.
Case reports. - Two infants (9 and 12 months old) were hospitalized for men
ingitis. The hospitalization was preceded two weeks earlier by stubborn con
stipation, which revealed a neural compression. The physical and MRI examin
ation showed a lumbosacral sinus in contact with a dermoid or an epidermoid
tumor. These cysts were infected with anaerobic organisms. Despite surgery
and antibiotic therapy, one child remained paraplegic.
Conclusion. - Dermal sinuses above the intergluteal crease should be surgic
ally excised at the time of diagnosis in all patients, regardless of the pa
tient's age or neurologic findings. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medi
cales Elsevier SAS.