The standard deviation (SD) in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)
has been mostly neglected in applications. However, the knowledge of the co
rrect SD is necessary for an accurate data evaluation, especially when fitt
ing theoretical models to experimental data. In this work, an algorithm is
presented that considers the essential features of FCS. It allows predictio
n of the performance of FCS measurements in Various cases, which is importa
nt for finding optimal experimental conditions. The program calculates the
SD of the experimental autocorrelation function online. This procedure lead
s to improved parameter estimation, compared to currently used theoretical
approximations for the SD. Three methods for the calculation of the SD are
presented and compared to earlier analytical solutions (D. E. Koppel. 1974.
Phys. Rev. A. 10:1938-1945.), calculation directly from fluorescence inten
sity values, by averaging several FCS measurements, or by dividing one meas
urement into a set of shorter data packages. Although the averaging over se
veral measurements yields accurate estimates for the SD, the other two meth
ods are considerably less time consuming, can be run online, and yield comp
arable results.