We used parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) to investigate the distribut
ion patterns of South American lowland forest mammals, focusing on centers
of endemism and diversity. We utilized distribution data available for spec
ies of marsupials, rodents, and primates char occur in South America. Two g
rids were superimposed on the distribution maps: a larger one encompassing
tropical and subtropical South America, and a smaller and more precise grid
covering the Atlantic Forest only. Also, the number of species per quadrat
was estimated. The results support the idea that the distribution of this
fauna is structured in the form of centers of endemism. In addition, there
is good congruence between the areas identified here and those proposed by
other authors, reinforcing the value of PAE in this kind of analysis. The h
ierarchical relationships among areas, however, are not clear and sometimes
discordant with other biogeographic analyses.