A starting point for the conventional theory of turbulence [12-14] is the n
otion that, on average, kinetic energy is transferred from low wave number
modes to high wave number modes [19]. Such a transfer of energy occurs in a
spectral range beyond that of injection of energy, and it underlies the so
-called cascade of energy, a fundamental mechanism used to explain the Kolm
ogorov spectrum in three-dimensional turbulent flows. The aim of this Note
is to prove this transfer of energy to higher modes in a mathematically rig
orous manner, by working directly with the Navier-Stokes equations and stat
ionary statistical solutions obtained through time averages. To the best of
our knowledge, this result has not been proved previously; however, some d
iscussions and partly intuitive proofs appear in the literature. See, e.g.,
[1,2,10,11,16,17,21], and [22]. It is noteworthy that a mathematical frame
work can be devised where this result can be completely proved, despite the
well-known limitations of the mathematical theory of the three-dimensional
Navier-Stokes equations. A similar result concerning the transfer of energ
y is valid in space dimension two. Here, however, due to vorticity constrai
nts not present in the three-dimensional case, such energy transfer is acco
mpanied by a similar transfer of enstrophy to higher modes. Moreover, at lo
w wave numbers, in the spectral region below that of injection of energy, a
n inverse (from high to low modes) transfer of energy (as well as enstrophy
) takes place. These results are directly related to the mechanisms of dire
ct enstrophy cascade and inverse energy cascade which occur, respectively,
in a certain spectral range above and below that of injection of energy [1,
15]. In a forthcoming article [9] we will discuss conditions for the actual
existence of the inertial range in dimension three. (C) 2001 Academie des
sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.