A 1-D numerical model of the downslope spreading of a finite-source subaque
ous debris Row is presented. The model incorporates the Bingham, Herschel-B
ulkley, and bilinear theologies of viscoplastic fluids. Any of these theolo
gies can be selected by the user. The layer-integrated conservation equatio
ns of mass and momentum balance are solved in a Lagrangian framework using
an explicit finite difference scheme. The flow is assumed to remain laminar
throughout the computation. Starting from an initial parabolic shape, the
debris mass is allowed to collapse and propagate on a given topography. The
code is written in the visual basic programming language and has a graphic
al user interface. The required input parameters can be specified interacti
vely, and the propagation of the debris Bow can be viewed as the solution p
roceeds. The user interface for the software is described in detail. Simula
ted results from different theological models are compared. (C) 2001 Elsevi
er Science Ltd. All rights reserved.