Thermal desalination by salinity-gradient solar ponds (SGSP) is one of the
most promising solar desalination technologies. Solar ponds combine solar e
nergy collection with long-term storage and can provide reliable thermal en
ergy at temperature ranges from 50 to 90 degreesC. Solar-pond-powered desal
ination has been studied since 1987 at the El Paso Solar Pond Project, El P
aso, Texas. From 1987 to 1992, the research mainly focused on the technical
feasibility of thermal desalination coupled with solar ponds. Since 1999,
the research has focused on long-term reliability, improvement of thermodyn
amic efficiency, and economics. During this period, a small multi-effect, m
ulti-stage flash distillation (MEMS) unit, a membrane distillation unit, an
d a brine concentration and recovery system (BCRS) were tested over a broad
range of operating conditions. The most important variables for the MEMS o
peration were flash range, concentration level of reject brine, and circula
tion rate of the first effect. The brine concentration and recovery system
is part of the goal of developing a systems approach combining salinity-gra
dient solar pond technology with multiple process desalination and brine co
ncentration. This systems approach, called zero discharge desalination, pro
poses concentrating brine reject streams down to near NaCl saturated soluti
ons and using the solution to make additional solar ponds. in addition to p
resenting the test results on the MEMS and BCRS units, this paper also pres
ents a summary of solar pond operation experiences obtained from the 16-yea
r operation at the El Paso solar pond.