Thalidomide was originally marketed as a sedative, but was removed from the
market in 1961 after it was associated with an epidemic of severe birth de
fects. Subsequently, it has been shown to have therapeutic efficacy in a nu
mber of the gastrointestinal tract conditions characterised by immune dysre
gulation. The exact mechanism of the immunosuppressive effects of thalidomi
de is unknown; proposed mechanisms include inhibition of tumour necrosis fa
ctor alpha release and inhibition of angiogenesis.
In chronic graft versus host disease, use of high dose thalidomide ( 1200 m
g/day) may bring about a response in 20% of patients with refractory diseas
e. Thalidomide 200 mg/day helps eradicate ulcers in 50% of patients with HI
V-associated oral aphthous ulceration. In Behcet's disease, thalidomide 100
to 300 mg/day can decrease the number of mucocutaneous ulcers, although fu
ll remission occurs in less than 20% of patients. In Crohn's disease, thali
domide 50 to 300 mg/day may decrease the severity of mucosal disease and pr
ompt closure of fistulae.
Patients to be placed on thalidomide therapy must practice either abstinenc
e or strict birth control: women must undergo regular pregnancy testing and
utilise 2 forms of contraception. Other adverse effects include sedation (
present in nearly all patients), symptomatic neuropathy (present in approxi
mately 20%), and skin rashes. Given the potential toxicity, thalidomide use
should generally be limited to clinical protocols with institutional revie
w board oversight.