This is the first nation-wide face-to-face survey on the prevalence of well
-defined severe insomnia and its impact on quality of life in the general p
opulation of Germany. The survey was part of an international epidemiologic
al study, which was also conducted in Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland and S
weden. A representative sample of 1913 adults aged 18 years and over were i
nterviewed in all parts of Germany according to the quota method. Subjects
with symptomatic insomnia were identified using an algorithm compatible wit
h the principal criteria for severe insomnia defined in the fourth revision
of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diseases (DSM-IV). Subj
ects provided data on quality of life using the Short Form 36 Health Survey
(SF-36) questionnaire and on health care consumption.
Prevalence of severe insomnia in Germany was found to be 4 %, which was low
er than in other European countries (6-22 %). Severe insomnia was more prev
alent among women, the unemployed, those living alone after divorce or sepa
ration, and those in large cities, but not more frequently in the elderly (
aged 65 years and over). The majority of subjects had chronic complaints, w
ith 74 % of them suffering from severe sleep problems for over a year's dur
ation (average 56 +/- 23 months). Consultations with general physicians, me
dication usage, medical tests and hospitalisation were greater among severe
insomniacs compared to subjects who had no sleep complaints. The question
regarding overall appreciation of quality of life was rated as bad in 22 %
and good in 28 % of severe insomniacs compared to 3 % (bad) and 68 % (good)
in subjects with no sleep complaints. Despite this, only 55 % of severe in
somniacs had ever discussed their sleep problem with a doctor and the propo
rtion who consulted their doctor specifically regarding sleep problems in t
he previous 12 months was even lower (36 %). The vast majority (73 %) was n
ot taking hypnotic or sedative medications.
In conclusion, insomnia, even when severe, is a common and a chronic compla
int in Germany. This trial suggests that while, on the one hand, sleep diso
rders have a significant impact on patient's quality of life and consumptio
n of health care, it is, on the other hand, a condition that is poorly reco
gnised and for which patients are, for unknown reasons, reluctant to seek t