We used photoplethysmography (PPG) to monitor blood flow changes in the hum
an anterior tibial muscle during arterial occlusion and during isometric an
d concentric contractions. Single-fibre laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF) was u
sed as a reference in 12 healthy subjects (5 men, 7 women; mean age 24 year
s). Postexercise hyperaemic muscle blood flow (MBF) was measured immediatel
y after isometric dorsiflexion of the ankle joint at maximal contraction fo
r 1 min and full range-of-motion dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the an
kle joint for 1 min. A thigh tourniquet was applied for the evaluation of p
ost-occlusive reactive hyperaemia. The MBF (baseline = 100%) was [mean (SD)
] 150 (31) % (P = 0.003) by PPG (880 nm) and 182 (66) % (P = 0.012) by LDF.
After 1 min of maximal isometric contraction, MBF increased to 150 (51) %
(P = 0.003) by PPG (880 nm) and to 169 (43) % (P = 0.005) by LDF. After 1 m
in of maximal concentric contractions, MBF increased to 158 (59) % (P = 0.0
03) by PPG (880 nm) and to 170 (99) % (P = 0.008) by LDF. Skin blood flow,
PPG (560 nm), did not change significantly after isometric or concentric co
ntractions. The results indicate that reactive hyperaemia after exercise an
d arterial occlusion can be assessed in the human anterior tibial muscle us
ing PPG.