We introduce the model of inelastic hard spheres with random restitution co
efficient ct, in order to account for the fact that, in a vertically shaken
granular system interacting elastically with the vibrating boundary, the e
nergy injected vertically is transferred to the horizontal degrees of freed
om through collisions only, which leads to heating through collisions, i.e.
to inelastic horizontal collisions with an effective restitution coefficie
nt that can be larger than 1. This allows the system to reach a nonequilibr
ium steady state, where we focus, in particular, on the single-particle vel
ocity distribution f(v) in the horizontal plane, and on its deviation from
a Maxwellian. Molecular Dynamics simulations and Direct Simulation Monte Ca
rlo (DSMC) show that, depending on the distribution of ct, different shapes
of f(v) can be obtained, with very different high-energy tails. Moreover,
the fourth cumulant of the velocity distribution quantifying the deviations
from Gaussian statistics is obtained analytically from the Boltzmann equat
ion and successfully tested against the simulations.