Conservation of genetic resources of forest trees has become a major object
ive for the management of forests. Much theoretical work has been devoted t
o the subject, and implementation has already started at the local, nationa
l, or international scales. Poplars are probably the most representative an
d threatened forest tree species of old natural floodplain forests in the t
emperate zone. Gene conservation needs to be integrated with intensive bree
ding activities, habitat conservation and restoration. For Populus nigra, w
hile research in genetics and ecology is reinforced, a combined conservatio
n strategy is applied at the European scale; simultaneously, the conservati
on of riparian ecosystems is also a priority. Research and application bene
fit from each other. The question now is the evaluation of such an integrat
ed strategy. Criteria and indicators for the follow-up of gene resource man
agement are progressively developed, but still need to be tested on the ope
rational scale.