A field experiment was conducted during late rainy season of 1996 and 1997
to study the agronomic management practices on. horsegram [Macrotyloma unif
lorum (Lam.) Verd.] at Chiplima, Orissa. Nitrogen @ 20 kg/ha and P @ 17.5 k
g P/ha increased seed yield by 51.5 and 31.6% over no N and no P respective
ly: A seed rate of 30 kg/ha increased the seed yield by 14.8% over the seed
rate of 20 kg/ha. Line sowing recorded 14.4% higher. seed yield over broad
cast method. One hand-weeding at 25 days after sowing increased seed yield
by 12.2% over no weeding. These increases were mainly due to higher pods/pl
ant and seeds/pod.