Quality of health education during STD case management in Nairobi was asses
sed in 142 healthcare facilities, through interviews of 165 providers, obse
rvation of 441 STD patients managed by these providers, and 165 visits of s
imulated patients. For observations, scores were high for education on cont
act treatment (74-80%) and compliance (83%), but unsatisfactory for counsel
ling (52%) and condom promotion (20-41%). The World Health Organization (WH
O) indicator for STD case management Prevention Indicator 7 (P17) (condom p
romotion plus contact treatment) was poor (38%). Public clinics strengthene
d for STD care generally performed best, whereas pharmacies and mission cli
nics performed worst. Compared with observations, scores were higher during
interviews and lower during simulated patient visits, indica ting that kno
wledge was not fully translated into practice. Interventions to improve the
presently unsatisfactory service quality would be wide distribution of hea
lth education materials, ongoing training and supervision of providers, imp
lementation of STD management checklists, and the introduction of pre-packa
ged kits for STD management.