Irradiated aortic endothelial cells (EC) exhibit distinct morphological, fu
nctional, and physiological responses to ionizing radiation (IR). However,
the molecular basis for these responses has not been fully characterized. C
ultured bovine and rat aortic endothelial cells were exposed to single trac
tion doses (0-30 Gy) of gamma radiation. IR caused dose-dependent DNA stran
d breaks which were repaired to near baseline levels within 30 min. A dose-
dependent inhibition of cell growth was noted for IR greater than 1 Gy. At
doses greater than 2.5 Gy, morphologic changes consistent with apoptosis an
d loss of cell viability were present beginning 12-16 h after radiation, wi
th subsequent detachment of EC from the cell monolayer. By Western blot ana
lysis, expression of p53, gadd45, p21, and bar protein increased in a time-
and dose-dependent manner; p53 expression was maximal at 3 h after IR, and
gadd45, bar and p21 levels peaked at G h. By Reverse Transcriptase Polymera
se Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), levels of p53 mRNA were not significantly incre
ased after IR, whereas gadd45 exhibited time- and dose-dependent increase i
n mRNA synthesis after IR. Activation of intracellular caspases, manifest b
y proteolytic poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and lamin B cleavage, was
maximal at 15 h after IR, concident with other indices of EC apoptosis, in
cluding oligonucleosomal DNA degradation, TUNEL immunostaining, and morphol
ogic changes. The tripeptide protease inhibitor z-Val-Ala-Asp (zVAD) preven
ted PARP and lamin cleavage, DNA fragmentation, morphological changes, and
cell detachment in irradiated EC. The combined data suggested that gamma ra
diation induces a dose- and time-dependent sequence of early events in cult
ured EC with modulate growth arrest, apoptosis, and possibly premature sene
scence in surviving cells. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Int.