Presents results of a systematic review of abstracts on studies related to
violence and youth in an effort to identify areas that have received little
attention in the psychological literature and to present recommendations f
or future research. A total of 1,168 empirical articles on violence-related
problems in youth were identified by a PsycINFO (American Psychological As
sociation, 1980-1999) search. These articles were then classified in a mult
idimensional grid, allowing for comparisons among different types of articl
es. A review of abstracts from these articles indicated that most of the re
search activity has been descriptive (e.g., reviewing correlates or predict
ors of violence involvement) or assessment related(e.g., evaluating specifi
c measures). Fewer articles examined the treatment or prevention of violenc
e-related problems among youth. Further, the majority of studies pertained
to direct exposure to violence las a victim or perpetrator), with very few
studies looking at the effects of witnessing violence, knowing individuals
exposed to violence, or being exposed to violence through the media. Com pa
ring treatment and prevention articles, we found that the least empirical a
ttention was paid to the prevention of violence-related problems in youth,
and nor a single study was identified through this search that sought to ex
amine the prevention of youth witnessing violence. Implications for future
research agendas are discussed.