Motor unit (MU) activity pattern was examined in the right-hand extensor di
gitorum communis muscle (EDC) during standardised finger movements simulati
ng actual computer mouse tasks. Intramuscular recordings were performed wit
h a quadripolar needle electrode. Nine women performed four lifts of their
right-hand index finger, middle finger or both as well as a number of doubl
e clicks. Additionally, the subjects performed contra lateral activity with
their left-hand fingers and for three subjects recordings were also obtain
ed during an interview with no physical activity. Besides the expected clos
e coupling of MU activity with finger movement, activity was observed in th
ree different situations with no physical requirements. Attention related a
ctivity was found before or after performance of the finger movement task,
contra lateral activity in right EDC during left-hand finger tasks, and act
ivity during mental activity without any finger movements involved. A relat
ively large number of doublet occurrences suggest they are a natural part o
f the activation pattern during performance of the rapid finger movement re
quired to perform an efficient double click on the computer mouse. (C) 2001
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.