This study measures the electric conductance and examines the microscopic s
tructure of bamboo shoots, sugarcane, lettuce stem, and mustard stem. The e
lectric conductance readings vary from 0.09 S/m to 0.72 S/m across the stem
, and from 0.19 S/m to 0.46 S/m along the stem. The electric conductance al
ong the stem is higher than the electric conductance across the stem in bam
boo shoots and sugarcane, while the reverse Is true in lettuce stem and mus
tard stem. The orientation of vascular bundles and the shape of parenchyma
cells are proposed to account for the different conductance readings from t
he same vegetable in different directions. The orientation of vascular bund
les appear to influence electric conductance more than the shape of parench
yma cells when both factors are present in the same time.