The mechanisms underlying the contraction-dependent apoptosis of primary fi
broblasts are of prime importance in understanding anchorage-dependent surv
ival/apoptosis of dermal fibroblasts. As integrins are essential extracellu
lar matrix receptors in fibroblasts, their role in anchorage-dependent apop
tosis/ survival of fibroblasts was analyzed. Primary human fibroblasts disp
layed a marked reduction of apoptosis in mechanically relaxed collagen matr
ices in the presence of adhesion-blocking antibodies against alpha (1)beta
(1) or alpha (2)beta (1). Anti-alpha (v)beta (3) antibodies had a considera
bly weaker effect. In additional experiments RD cells, which lack alpha (2)
integrin, displayed no apoptosis in mechanically relaxed collagen matrices
. Their susceptibility to apoptosis was restored after transfection with fu
nctional alpha (2) integrin, and it could be blocked again by adhesion-bloc
king antibodies against alpha (2)beta (1) integrin. Therefore we conclude t
hat apoptosis of human primary fibroblasts in contractile collagen matrices
is - at least in part - inhibited by adhesion-blocking anti-integrin antib
odies, suggesting that the mode of apoptosis in this case is different from
anoikis. Further, apoptosis in a mechanically relaxed collagen matrix coul
d be abrogated by depolymerization of F-actin using cytochalasin D and also
by disturbing actin-myosin interaction using 2,3-butanedione monoxime, ind
icating a possible dependence of apoptosis on mechanical forces and/or cell