Data collected as part of the Arlindo Project ("Arlindo" is an acronym for
Arus Lintas Indonesia, meaning "throughflow" in Bahasa Indonesia) from Octo
ber 1996 to March 1998 are analyzed to study the characteristics of the flo
w through the Makassar Strait. Analysis of inverted echo sounders (IES) and
bottom pressure data (PIES) combined with TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite-derived
sea height anomaly suggest that a minimum of three-layer approximation is
necessary to explain the dynamics of the flow in the Makassar Strait. The s
imple two-layer model used in several studies of the throughflow is rejecte
d based on total incompatibility with the data sets. A three-layer model wi
th significant contributions by the middle layer provides a consistent inte
rpretation of PIES and satellite data. Results are interpreted in the frame
work of the large-scale circulation.