The prevalence of distress in aspects of perceived health and its relation
to involvement of poliomyelitis sequelae were studied with the Nottingham H
ealth Profile (NHP) in 113 outpatients (mean age 57 years). The leisure and
employment situation was also recorded. Most distress was found in the NHP
dimensions physical mobility, pain and energy, and least distress in socia
l isolation. Most health-related problems were reported in housework, emplo
yment and leisure. Three-quarters of the persons were satisfied with their
leisure, although many of them had problems. Fifty-nine per cent of the sub
jects of working age were in gainful employment, and no difference in emplo
yment rate due to the distribution of polio involvement was found. In compa
rison with norm values for the respective age groups, the subjects with pol
iomyelitis sequelae aged below 45 and 45-65 years had more distress in a la
rger number of NHP dimensions than older subjects.