Transition behaviors from linear to nonlinear viscoelasticity under constan
t strain-rate deformation near the glass transition have been investigated
for Pd- and Zr-based alloy glasses. The transition occurs at critical strai
n-rate, and the steady-state viscosity may decrease by many orders of magni
tude above the critical strain-rate. Concurrently with the transition, the
growth of the stress shows a stress-overshoot: the stress increases initial
ly attaining a maximum, then decreases and attains a steady-state flow. The
transition between steady-state Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows can be a
nalyzed by a stretched exponent relaxation function, and both the normalize
d viscosity and the flow stress can be represented by a master curve in ter
ms of the product of the strain-rate and the Newtonian viscosity. These res
ults imply that the occurrence of the transition from the Newtonian to non-
Newtonian is explicitly determined by the flow stress. A model, based on th
e hypothesis of stress-induced structural relaxation and the concept of fic
tive stress for the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors has been proposed. The
model calculation has reproduced fairly well the experimental results of t
he Pd- and Zr-based glasses, in particular, the development of the stress-o
vershoot behavior. In addition, the model reveals a stress-overshoot and un
der-shoot oscillation at very high strain-rate. This oscillatory nonlinear
behavior has been observed in many polymer solutions, and also the latest s
tudy in metallic glasses, The model calculations of other nonlinear viscoel
astic behaviors, such as stress relaxation during stress growth after abrup
t cessation of steady-state how, and a stress regrowth after a brief interv
al of relaxation, are also presented.