Using the replica method, we analyze the mass dependence of the QCD(3) part
ition function in a parameter range where the leading contribution is from
the zero momentum Goldstone fields. Three complementary approaches are cons
idered in this article. First, we derive exact relations between the QCD(3)
partition function and the QCD(4) partition function continued to half-int
eger topological charge. The replica limit of these formulas results in exa
ct relations between the corresponding microscopic spectral densities of QC
D(3) and QCD(3). Replica calculations, which are exact for QCD(4) at half-i
nteger topological charge, thus result in exact expressions for the microsc
opic spectral density of the QCD(3) Dirac operator. Second, we derive Viras
oro constraints for the QCD(3) partition function. They uniquely determine
the small-mass expansion of the partition function and the corresponding su
m rules for inverse Dirac eigenvalues. Due to de Wit-'t Hooft poles, the re
plica limit only reproduces the small mass expansion of the resolvent up to
a finite number of terms. Third, the large mass expansion of the resolvent
is obtained from the replica limit of a loop expansion of the QCD(3) parti
tion function. Because of Duistermaat-Heckman localization exact results ar
e obtained for the microscopic spectral density in this way. (C) 2001 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.