Life history theory predicts that increasing investments into reproduction
compromises survival and future reproduction. However, demonstrating such c
osts is confounded by positive correlations between life history traits. Fo
r example, individuals in good condition may be good at both surviving and
reproducing. We studied such processes in a viviparous snow skink lizard (N
iveoscincus microlepidotus) from high elevation sites in Tasmania, Australi
a. Our results show a stark difference in costs of reproduction between unm
anipulated females from the natural population versus experimentally manipu
lated females (using follicle stimulating hormones). In the unmanipulated f
emales, females with relatively larger reproductive investments survived be
tter than females with smaller reproductive investments. In the experimenta
l group, however, females forced to 'over-invest' into a larger clutch surv
ived less well than controls. Thus, our study confirms the potential danger
s of non-experimental estimation of costs of reproduction.