Heat shock and stress responses are documented for the first time in larval
stages of the cestodes Taenia solium and Taenia crassiceps. Radioactive me
tabolic labelling after in vitro incubation of cysts at 43 degreesC, reveal
ed the induction of heat shock proteins. In T. crassiceps, the major heat s
hock proteins were 80, 70 and 60 kDa. After prolonged incubation, a set of
low molecular weight heat shock proteins (27, 31, 33 and 38 kDa), were also
induced. In vitro incubation of c) sts at 4 degreesC, induced the synthesi
s of stress proteins ranging from 31 to 80 kDa, indicating the parasite is
also able to respond to cold shock. T. solium cysts exposure to temperature
stress also resulted in an increased synthesis of 2 major heat shock prote
ins of 80 and 70 kDa. Western blots using the excretory-secretory. products
of T. solium showed that 2 heat shock proteins were recognized by antibodi
es in the sera of cysticercotic patients: one of 66 kDa and another migrati
ng close to the run front. The T. solium 66 kDa protein was also recognized
by specific antibodies directed to a 60 kDa bacterial heat shock protein,
suggesting that it belongs to this family of proteins.