Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a sporadic neurodegenerative disorder mani
fested by parkinsonism and dysfunction of autonomic, cerebellar, urinary, a
nd pyramidal systems. The most frequent presentation is with a combination
of parkinsonism and autonomic dysfunction, but cerebellar ataxia with auton
omic failure occurs frequently as well. Striatonigral degeneration (SND) an
d sporadic olivopontocerebellar atrophy (sOPCA) can progress to include aut
onomic failure and thus may be forms of MSA, but it is not known whether al
l such cases progress to MSA. Utilizing positron emission tomography (PET)
with various ligands, my colleagues and I have investigated the biochemical
changes in sOPCB and MSA to understand the relationship between these diso
rders. An initial study revealed decreased local cerebral metabolic rates f
or glucose in the brainstem, cerebellum, putamen, thalamus and cerebral cor
tex in both MSA and sOPCA, suggesting that many sOPCA patients would evolve
to develop MSA. Later studies confirmed this by demonstrating decreased mo
noaminergic nigrostriatal terminals in both sOPCA and MSA patients. The stu
dies suggest that the ligand used might be helpful in determining the risk
that an individual patient with sOPCA will progress to develop MSA. An inve
stigation of the course of sOPCA patients observed clinically over several
years revealed that approximately one-fourth of them progress to MSA within
five years. Studies of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A/benzodiazepine neuro
transmitter receptors revealed that these sites are largely preserved in sO
PCA and MSA. indicating that symptomatic pharmacological therapy may be pos
sible in these disorders. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserve