Matrix biology (the biology of extracellular matrix) is a relatively recent
branch of biomedical sciences and comprises a number of subspecialties. Fr
om molecular-cell biology, biochemistry, genetics and clinical science of d
iseases localised at or affecting the matrix rich tissues (connective tissu
es) as bone, cartilage, vessel wall, skin, eye and some others. The rapid e
xpansion of all these branches of matrix biology is the combined result of
the availability of advanced methods of cell and molecular biology and the
increasing awareness of the importance of this field for a number of basic
and applied sciences. This introduction is a review for the special issue o
f Pathologie Biologie devoted to 'Matrix Biology' and brushes an impression
istic landscape of the major advances accomplished over the finishing centu
ry and tries to predict some of the most important advances to be expected
during the coming century. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales Els
evier SAS.