Natural history: Alcoholism is a common cause of chronic calcifying pancrea
titis. Abdominal pain, weight loss and acute complications are the early ma
nifestations. Besides chronic pain, about 80% of the patients develop acute
pancreatitis, pseudocysts, compression of the main bile duct, serous effus
ion or digestive bleeding during the first five years of the disease course
. Painful episodes are more frequent after S to 10 years, with a risk of ja
undice and persistent pseudocyst formation.
Chronic course: Beyond 10 years, calcified stones and fibrosis progressivel
y replace the pancreas parenchyma. Painful events become more parse and aft
er 15 years, diabetes and exocrine insufficiency predominate.
Treatment: Abstention from alcoholic beverages, analgesia administration an
d balanced diet are essential therapeutic elements. Insulin is required for
the diabetes and pancreas extracts in gastroprotected microcapsules are ne
eded to compensate for the chronic exocrine insufficiency. This medical tre
atment may be able to control pain but interventional radiology (pseudocyst
drainage, antalgesic infiltration of the celiac plexus), interventional en
doscopy (pseudocyst drainage, biliary stent, pancreatic endoprosthesis), or
surgery (deviation of the bile ducts, wirsungojejunal derivation, exceptio
nally resection) may also be required.