New bone cements that include several additives are currently being investi
gated and tested. One such additive is sodium fluoride (NaF), which promote
s bone formation, facilitating implant integration and success. The influen
ce of NaF on the fatigue performance of the cement as used in biomedical ap
plications was tested in this paper. In fact fatigue failure of the cement
mantle is a major factor limiting the longevity of a cemented implant.
An experimental bone cement with added NaF (12 wt %) was investigated. The
fatigue strength of the novel bone cement was evaluated in comparison with
the cement without additives; fatigue tests were conducted according to cur
rent standards. The load levels were arranged based on a validated, statist
ically based optimization algorithm. The curve of stress against number of
load cycles and the endurance limit were obtained and compared for both for
mulations. The results showed that the addition of NaF (12 wt %) to polymet
hylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cement does not affect the fatigue resistance o
f the material. Sodium fluoride can safely be added to the bone cement with
out altering the fatigue performance of the PMMA bone cement.