The-effect of neoplastic transformation on the response to genotoxic stress
is of significant clinical interest. In this study, we offer genetic evide
nce that the apoptotic response of neoplastically transformed cells to DNA
damage requires RhoB, a member of the Rho family of actin cytoskeletal regu
lators. Targeted deletion of the rhoB gene did not affect cell cycle arrest
in either normal or transformed cells after exposure to doxorubicin or gam
ma irradiation, but rendered transformed cells resistant to apoptosis, This
effect was specific insofar as rhoB deletion did not affect apoptotic susc
eptibility to agents that do not damage DNA. However, rhoB deletion also af
fected apoptotic susceptibility to Taxol, an agent that disrupts microtubul
e dynamics. We have demonstrated that RhoB alteration mediates the proapopt
otic and antineoplastic effects of farnesyltransferase inhibitors, and we s
how here that RhoB alteration is also crucial for farnesyltransferase inhib
itors to sensitize neoplastic cells to DNA damage-induced cell death. We fo
und RhoB to be an important determinant of long-term survival in vitro and
tumor response in vivo after gamma irradiation. Our findings identify a piv
otal role for RhoB in the apoptotic response of neoplastic cells to DNA dam
age at a novel regulatory point that may involve the actin cytoskeleton.