We previously reported the genetic engineering of the first soluble, bivale
nt major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-peptide ligand for T-cel
l receptor (TCR). This ligand binds stably and specifically to cognate T-ce
lls and exhibits immunomodulatory effects in vitro and in vivo. The increas
e in valence of MHC class II-peptide ligands was shown to parallel their av
idity for cognate TCRs and potency in stimulating cognate T-cells, We descr
ibe a new enzymatic method to increase the valence of MHC-peptide ligands b
y cross-linking the N-glycan moieties of dimeric MHC II-peptide units throu
gh a flexible, bifunctional polyethylene glycol linker. Using this method,
we generated covalently stabilized tetravalent and octavalent MHC II-peptid
e ligands which bound stably and specifically to cognate TCR and preserved
their structural integrity in blood and lymphoid organs for 72 h. Depending
on the TCR/CD4 occupancy and degree of TCR/CD4 co-clustering, the multival
ent MHC II-peptide ligands polarized efficiently the antigen-specific CD4() T-cells toward type 2 cell differentiation or induced T-cell anergy and a
poptosis. The enzymatically mediated engineering of multivalent MHC-peptide
ligands for cognate TCRs may provide rational grounds for the development
of new therapeutic agents endowed with strong modulatory effects on antigen
-specific T-cells.