Performance in sprint exercise is determined by the ability to accelerate,
the magnitude of maximal velocity and the ability to maintain velocity agai
nst the onset of fatigue. These factors are strongly influenced by metaboli
c and anthropometric components. Improved temporal sequencing of muscle act
ivation and/or improved fast twitch fibre recruitment may contribute to sup
erior sprint performance. Speed of impulse transmission along the motor axo
n may also have implications on sprint performance. Nerve conduction veloci
ty (NCV) has been shown to increase in response to a period of sprint train
ing. However, it is difficult to determine if increased NCV is likely to co
ntribute to improved sprint performance. An increase in motoneuron excitabi
lity, as measured by the Hoffman reflex (H-reflex), has been reported to pr
oduce a more powerful muscular contraction, hence maximising motoneuron exc
itability would be expected to benefit sprint performance. Motoneuron excit
ability can be raised acutely by an appropriate stimulus with obvious impli
cations for sprint performance. However, at rest reflex has been reported t
o be lower in athletes trained for explosive events compared with endurance
-trained athletes. This may be caused by the relatively high, fast twitch f
ibre percentage and the consequent high activation thresholds of such motor
units in power-trained populations. In contrast, stretch reflexes appear t
o be enhanced in sprint athletes possibly because of increased muscle spind
le sensitivity as a result of sprint training. With muscle in a contracted
state, however, there is evidence to suggest greater reflex potentiation am
ong both sprint and resistance-trained populations compared with controls.
Again this may be indicative of the predominant types of motor units in the
se populations, but may also mean an enhanced reflex contribution to force
production during running in sprint-trained athletes.
Fatigue of neural origin both during and following sprint exercise has impl
ications with respect to optimising training frequency and volume. Research
suggests athletes are unable to maintain maximal firing frequencies for th
e full duration of, for example, a 100m sprint. Fatigue after a single trai
ning session may also have a neural manifestation with some athletes unable
to voluntarily fully activate muscle or experiencing stretch reflex inhibi
tion after heavy training. This may occur in conjunction with muscle damage
Research investigating the neural influences on sprint performance is limit
ed. Further longitudinal research is necessary to improve our understanding
of neural factors that contribute to training-induced improvements in spri
nt performance.