Twelve groups of falcons, each containing three female gyrfalcon-peregrine
falcon hybrids (Falco rusticolus x Falco peregrinus) were injected intramus
cularly with a single dose of ivermectin ranging from 0.2 mg/kg to 11 mg/kg
bodyweight, and a control group was injected with water. Doses of ivermect
in between 0.2 and 5 mg/kg failed to produce clinical signs of illness in t
he birds. Four birds which received either 6, 7 or 8 mg/kg showed slight cl
inical signs, and all the birds receiving 9 to 11 mg/kg showed more or less
severe clinical signs of anorexia, apathy and sedation. Slight changes in
the mean plasma activities of aspartate aminotransferase. alanine aminotran
sferase and alkaline phosphatase (AP) were detected in the group dosed with
5 mg/kg. and higher dosages caused marked changes in these enzymes as well
as in the mean plasma activity of lactate dehydrogenase. The mean activity
of AP decreased, and the activities of the other enzymes increased. A dosa
ge of 2 to 3 mg/kg ivermectin is recommended as a safe and effective antipa
rasitic drug for falcons and it has been used successfully to treat infesta
tions of Serratospiculum species.