The ts1 murine leukemia virus produces an immunodeficiency state in mice th
at parallels human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in humans. Other
murine leukemia viruses, such as LP-BM5 used in the murine acquired immune
deficiency virus (MAIDS) model, have been studied extensively as a small an
imal model for HIV research, but lack many key similarities to HIV. Mice in
fected with ts1, however, utilize CD4 target cells for infection, undergo n
euronal loss and demyelination, and develop clinical immunodeficiency. Thes
e features make this retrovirus in many ways an ideal candidate for a small
animal model for HIV research. In this review article, the early developme
nt, the molecular and clinical pathogenesis of both the ts1 mutant of the M
oloney murine leukemia virus and LP-BM5 are examined. Based on an extensive
evaluation of the literature on LP-BM5 and ts1, it is concluded that the t
s1 virus may serve as a better animal model to human retrovirus infection.