The hereditary spastic paraplegias are a genetically defined group of disor
ders characterized by slowly progressive spastic paraparesis. Depending on
the clinical presentation they are classified as "pure" or "complicated". T
he "pure" form shows spastic paraplegia in isolation, while the complicated
form is characterized by additional major clinical features. The different
ial diagnosis includes inflammatory, degenerative and metabolic disorders a
s well as structural abnormalities of brain and spinal cord. The HSP are ge
netically complex. Autosomal dominant (70-80% of all families), autosomal r
ecessive and X-linked inheritance patterns have been described. For autosom
al dominant HSP, genetic loci on chromosome 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 19 hav
e been found. A gene on chromosome 2 has been cloned, the gene product is a
protein called spastin. For autosomal recessive HSP, the protein paraplegi
n could be identified as a candidate gene on chromosome 16. In addition to
this, there are genetic loci on chromosome 3, 8 and 15. In X-linked HSP, mu
tations in the L1 CAM gene and the proteolipid proteine gene have been desc
ribed. The pathogenetic role of the genes known so far is not clear. In the
near future, a new classification of HSP based on genetic and metabolic de
fects can be expected.