A clear and comprehensive appreciation of the toxicological hazards of a su
bstance is an essential prerequisite to establishing appropriate, balanced
and effective risk management measures in the workplace. For many substance
s, there are currently numerous problems and issues surrounding: the adequa
cy of the toxicological information base; its interpretation; the transfer
of key messages to, and their understanding by, those who need to take acti
on; and the roles and practices of the various standard-setting bodies oper
ating in this area and the interaction between them. This paper briefly tou
ches on these issues, on a range of activities and initiatives directed at
improving the current situation, and on the implications for all those invo
lved, particularly the world occupational hygiene community. Crown Copyrigh
t (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of British Occupatio
nal Hygiene Society, All rights reserved.