The thermal influence on the electrical conductivity of polyimide film surf
aces induced by KrF-laser irradiation was investigated, The formation of co
nducting phases was demonstrated to be highly temperature sensitive, as evi
denced by strong dependence of the electrical conductivity on repetition ra
te and ambient temperature. XPS and Raman studies showed that the efficienc
y of the formation of conducting phases could be enhanced by the increase o
f temperature on irradiated polyimide film surfaces. After the disruption o
f polymeric chain, the carbon-enriched clusters remained on the irradiated
polyimide film surfaces organized into polycrystalline graphite-like cluste
rs responsible for electrical conductivity. The resulting dangling bonds fr
om the decomposition process of polyimide acted as centers for the rearrang
ement of carbon-enriched clusters. It is suggested that the motion of radic
als was promoted with increasing the temperature. Therefore the formation o
f polycrystalline graphite-like clusters benefited from high remaining temp
erature on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces. These results revealed t
hat thermal influence played a dominant role on the formation of conducting