Patients with metastatic colorectal cancer limited to the liver are candida
tes for regional chemotherapy with implantable hepatic artery infusion (HAI
) pumps. The poor prognosis of these patients, and the requirement of a lap
arotomy for placement, has deterred many oncologists from referral for HAI
pump implantation. Minimally invasive surgical techniques are particularly
well suited for the task of HAI pump placement in patients who may not tole
rate the additional physiologic stress of a major surgical intervention. Ad
vances in laparoscopic techniques allow pumps to be implanted safely and ef
fectively, replicating the well-described tenets of open pump placement. Th
e principal steps of the operation include a thorough laparoscopic evaluati
on to exclude extrahepatic disease, complete vascular isolation of the hepa
tic and gastroduodenal arteries, ligation of aberrant hepatic vessels, secu
re cannulation of the gastroduodenal artery, and confirmation of complete h
epatic perfusion without extrahepatic perfusion. We describe the procedure
and briefly review our clinical experience. We believe that the benefits ty
pically derived from minimally invasive approaches (less pain, fewer periop
erative complications, shorter hospitalization, faster recovery, and potent
ially less immune suppression) will be seen in these patients as well. If s
o, a completely laparoscopic approach to regional treatment of the liver ma
y extend survival and improve the quality of life of patients whose prognos
is is poor regardless of treatment. Controlled trials will be required to e
valuate the added value of a laparoscopic approach to the placement of the
hepatic artery pump.