We present a biologically plausible model of processing intrinsic to the ba
sal ganglia based on the computational premise that action selection is a p
rimary role of these central brain structures. By encoding the propensity f
or selecting a given action in a scalar value (the salience), it is shown t
hat action selection may be recast in terms of signal selection. The generi
c properties of signal selection are defined and neural networks for this t
ype of computation examined. A comparison between these networks and basal
ganglia anatomy leads to a novel functional decomposition of the basal gang
lia architecture into 'selection' and 'control' pathways. The former pathwa
y performs the selection per se via a feedforward off-centre on-surround ne
twork. The control pathway regulates the action of the selection pathway to
ensure its effective operation, and synergistically complements its dopami
nergic modulation. The model contrasts with the prevailing functional segre
gation of basal ganglia into 'direct' and 'indirect' pathways.